When your service center is pressed for space, it can be challenging to find room for all the best and latest equipment — which can limit the services you offer customers. Explore must-have equipment for small-space garages and service centers and how to maximize your garage’s space.

The Importance of Maximizing Garage Space

Apart from basic mechanic tools and workbenches, you need advanced equipment to provide turnkey auto services. Tire and wheel assessment and repair equipment, including wheel balancers, tire changers and wheel aligners, can be bulky and take up room. Depending on how busy your auto garage is, you may need a few of each type of machine, which can pose a problem if you have a tight space to work with.

When your floor space is limited, you may choose not to invest in the necessary equipment, which can reduce your shop’s capabilities. Maximizing your garage area with space-saving equipment is vital to your business’s growth, allowing you to serve more customers at a time and service a wider range of vehicles.

CEMB-USA Space-Saving Wheel Equipment for Small Garages

CEMB-USA offers a range of space-saving wheel service equipment to optimize your service center.

Wheel Balancers

The ER71 space-saving balancer offers the perfect combination of ease of use and enhanced precision, giving you a range of balancing modes with smart controls for optimal results and customer satisfaction.

If your auto garage is busy and needs powerful, space-optimized equipment, the EZ10 balancer delivers a design tailored for work in a tight space. Enjoy absolute accuracy, incorporating laser-guided weight placement and fast cycle times for improved workshop productivity.

The EZ10 wheel balancer provides a user-friendly interface and controls as well as advanced balancing technology for precise results.

Tire Changers

The SM825EVO tire changer allows for removing and fitting a variety of tires, including custom tires. If you need a small tire changer for an area with limited access to electricity, our air-powered SM825EVOAIR tire changer provides an excellent solution.

Whether you select the SM825EVO or SM825EVOAIR model, you’ll benefit from increased productivity and safety within a minimal space.

Wheel Aligners

The technologically advanced ARGOS DriveThru wheel aligner is a space-saving solution for your small service center. Drive through the equipment setup for a comprehensive analysis, saving you and the customer time and enhancing the service experience.

Choose CEMB-USA for Your Small Garage Tire Equipment

With over 75 years of experience, the team at CEMB-USA can help you determine the best wheel equipment for your small garage. Contact us online or call your nearest regional manager today.

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